While searching through ebay earlier on in the week I stumbled across a job lot of VHS which was for sale, the starting bid was 99p. After some careful consideration I set my price limit and left it in the hands of the VHS Gods. Luckily I won the lot for a little below my top offer, and seeing as though the seller was very close to me for collection, I don’t think I did too bad. The guy then emailed the next day and we agreed a collection date and time. On the same email it stated that he had a further 2-3,000 tapes in the garage that I could look through and select a few titles, and for free.
I was warned beforehand though that the garage contained nothing more than re-issues and certainly nothing of any interest for me. The trouble is, as any collector will tell you, it only takes that one tape…
He also had quite a few US cartons in there too but he said he wanted to keep them back so I looked no further. I couldn’t punish myself. I’d lalso ike to point out that the guy in question is a former collector of VHS and these tapes in his garage are the remains of a few old bulk deals on ebay. Chance purchases, if you will, in the hope that he could find some gems among them.